This is our house in Cardiff. I have opened the door in this picture so it seems very inviting for all our friends and family so they will want to come visit. It's on the end of the terrace and our neighbors are really nice.
Speaking of our neighbors, we got a Christmas card through our mail slot this year addressed to Mr. and Mrs. Bush. It was from the neighbors in #12 who we gathered starred as R2D2 in Star Wars because they added a flyer with the card that advertised a "5th annual Star Wars Christmas Event, with guest star Kenny Baker, R2D2" With an arrow to the picture of R2D2 that said "Resides at #12" . I went to meet this Kenny Baker and to thank the Bakers for the card and was greeted by "Oh the American woman!" "I'm sorry, love, I didn't know your name and Bush was the only American name I knew!" Mr Baker- who introduced himself as John (?why?) and his wife Anne had also signed their card "Welcome to the home of the not so brave!!!" and on the next line "Any Gum chum??"
Yes our neighbors are weird I must say, but funny none the less and we fit right in.
The British are also very safe with electricity. - with the roads its much different, they are as crazy as my neighbors but with electricity they are so overly safe it's annoying. every wall socket has a swicth that much be on for anything to work and every plug has a fuse just in case the fuse in the switched socket fails and you somehow get your finger in between the huge plug and the wall. It is against the law to have a socket in the bathroom but put an electric water heating shower instead of using the water heater for the house. BUT! to turn on the shower you have to pull a knob (it's safely a wooded knob on a long string coming from a fused switch in the ceiling) to turn on the power to the shower before you get in the shower and push a fused on/off button to start or stop the water. There is also a longer string with a bigger knob to pull for the lights in the bathroom. Can't be too safe.